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Showing posts from August, 2020

Benefits from 'warming up'

Benefits of Warm-Up Exercises Benefits of Warm-Up Exercises... In today's time, problems in human life go hand in hand like a person's shadow. People are surrounded by a wide variety of concerns. Sports help us to get rid of these troubles, tensions and worries. And the essential part of sports and life which, with confidence in life, are capable of facing problems. We will talk to you about some such physical activity. Warming up: Initially, warm-up exercise of the body, by heating it, removes the contraction of muscles and increases them. Warming up 'prepares muscles for any sport or task. Warming up keeps the muscles healthy and your body strong. Warm-Up Benefits : Body gets flexibility Muscle speed increases Excess energy increases Tolerance increases Nerves and muscles fit well Protects against injuries Game performance level increases Optimization increases Related Pages: Gym Equipment List - GYM 30 Minute HIIT Work...

In Cricket, Common methods of dismissal

In cricket, common methods of dismissal are: In cricket, common methods of dismissal are... In cricket, a dismissal occurs when a batsman's innings is terminated by the opposing team. Cricket players bat in pairs. If 10 out of 11 members of a team are dismissed in a cricket match, the team's innings ends. A player is out when a batsman's batting period is terminated by the opposing team, which means the batting side loses a wicket and the fielding side gains a wicket. If 10 players of a team get out before the stipulated overs then it is considered all out. Then the batting team has to go for bowling or fielding. For what reasons is a batsman considered out in cricket? A batsman can be given out in cricket for the following reasons: 1. Bowled — The ball, delivered by the bowler, hits the stumps and dislodges the bails. 2. Caught —The batsman hits the ball with the bat (or glove) and a fielder, wicketkeeper, or bowler catches it before ...

About Us

About Us - India-Sportmart Welcome to India Sportmart Your one-stop shop for all sports needs in India. Search: Search About Us... Welcome to India-Sportmart , your number one source for all Sports information, ie: Sports Education. We're dedicated to giving you the very best of sports information, with a focus on some characteristics, ie: dependability, Importance, greatness, pride and uniqueness. Founded in [2020] by Saarthak, India-Sportmart has come a long way from its beginnings in Delhi. When Saarthak first started out, his/her passion for passion of founder, ie: helping other parents be more eco-friendly, providing the sports information for his fellow players drove him to action, ie: intense research, and gave him the impetus to turn hard work, and inspiration into to a booming online blog. We now follow all game, ie: the Cricket , Hockey , Racket , other sports and are thrilled to ...

History of Twenty 20 Cricket Match

20 क्रिकेट का इतिहास, और इस जोड़ी से जुड़ी कुछ रोचक जानकारी टी 20 क्रिकेट का इतिहास, और इस जोड़ी से जुड़ी कुछ रोचक जानकारी। ट्वेंटी 20 क्रिकेट मैच में अधिकतम २० ओवर एक टीम द्वारा खेले जाते है और प्रत्येक पारी ७५ मिनट अवधि की होती है। ट्वेंटी 20 क्रिकेट मैच में एक टीम का एक बॉलर २० ओवर में से कुल ४ ओवर (अर्थात् कुल ओवर का १/५ भाग) बॉलिंग कर सकता है। ट्वेंटी 20 क्रिकेट मैच में बॉलर द्वारा नो बाल करने पर विपक्षी टीम को १ रन प्रदान किया जाता है और दूसरी गेंद को बल्लेबाज के लिए फ्री-हिट मिलता है जिस गेंद पर बल्लेबाज केवल 'रन आउट' से ही आउट हो सकता है। T 20 क्रिकेट मैच में किसी भी समय लेग-साइड 5 फील्डर खड़े हो सकते है। ट्वेंटी 20 (T20) क्रिकेट मैच में छह ओवर तक ३० मीटर की दुरी के बाहर 2 फील्डर ही खड़े हो सकते है और छह ओवर के बाद फिल्ड वृत के अंदर 5 खिलाडी ही फील्डिंग का सकते है। ट्वेंटी 20 क्रिकेट मैच की शुरुआत इंग्लैण्ड एव वेल्स क्रिकेट बोर्ड ने वर्ष २००३ में की थी। प्रथम ट्वेंटी 20 क्रिकेट मैच १३ जून, २००३ को सरे लायंस एवं वारनिकशार के मध्य खेला...