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Showing posts from July, 2020

Volley Ball

Detailed Information of Volleyball Game | India-Sportmart Detailed Information of Volleyball Game... If you also like to play volleyball, then you know about the detailed information of this game. In the early times, he used to call volleyball as Mintonet, which is one of the popular sports in India today. You must have noticed that the youth groups like to play volleyball in rural and urban areas. Because volleyball is a physical exercise recreational sport, and with less equipment, accessibility and less expenses which make the sport special, this sport is special. Volleyball in India is believed to have been brought to be around 75 to 80 years by some physical teachers of that time. He was trained in this game by going abroad and he spread the sport. You may be aware that the invention of the volleyball game in America in 1895 AD, the inventor of this sport is believed to be the physical director of the Young Men's Christian Association (Y M C A) William G Morgan