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The Names of all the Cricketers in alphabetical A to Z

The Names of all the Cricketers in Alphabetical A to Z.

For cricket lovers, cricket is more than just a game, it is a religion. It is one of the few things that unites the world, no matter what background they come from. Over the years, the performances of the players in the field of cricket have given their fans much to please, thereby strengthening their bond with the game.
In this article, we bring to you the names of the A-Z players of cricket, all of which make cricket what it is.

List of Cricket players with name starting from alphabet A.

1Aakash Chopra2Aamer Hameed
3Aamer Hani4fAamer Malik
5Aamer Nazir6Aamer Sohail
7Aaqib Javed8Aaron Finch
9Aaron O'Brien10Aaron Phangiso
11Aaron Redmond12Aashish Kapoor
13Aasif Karim14Aavishkar Salvi
15AB de Villiers16Abbas Ali Baig
17Abdool Samad18Abdul Jabbar
19Abdul Kadir20Abdul Kardar
21Abdul Qadir22Abdul Razzaq
23Abdul Rehman24Abdullah Mazari
25Abdur Rauf26Abdur Razzak
27Abdur Rehman28Abe Waddington
29Abey Kuruvilla30Abhijit Kale
31Abhimanyu Mithun32Abhinav Mukund
33Abhishek Nayar34Abul Hasan
35Abzal Dean36Adam Bacher
37Adam Dale38Adam Dibble
39Adam Gilchrist40Adam Hollioake
41Adam Huckle42Adam Lyth
43Adam Milne44Adam Parore
45Adam Sanford46Adam Voges
47Adeel Raja48Adil Rashid
49Adnan Akmal50Adrian Barath
51Adrian Griffith52Adrian Kuiper
53Afaq Hussain54Affie Jarvis
55Afsar Zazai56Aftab Ahmed
57Aftab Alam58Aftab Baloch
59Aftab Gul60Aftab Habib
61Aftab Shamshudeen62Afzaal Haider
63Agha Saadat Ali64Agha Zahid
65Ahmed Kamal66Ahmed Raza
67Ahmed Shah68Ahmed Shehzad
69Ahsan Malik70Aiden Blizzard
71Aijaz Ali72Aizaz Cheema
73Aizaz Khan74Ajantha Mendis
75Ajay Jadeja76Ajay Ratra
77Ajay Sharma78Ajinkya Rahane
79Ajit Agarkar80Ajit de Silva
81Ajit Pai82Ajit Wadekar
83Ajith Weerakkody84Ajmal Shahzad
85AK Sengupta86Akalanka Ganegama
87Akhtar Sarfraz88Akila Dananjaya
89Akram Khan90Akram Raza
91Akshar Patel92Al Sahariar
93Al-Amin Hossain94Alamgir Kabir
95Alan Brown96Alan Butcher
97Alan Connolly98Alan Davidson
99Alan Dawson100Alan Fairfax
101Alan Hurst102Alan Igglesden
103Alan Kippax104Alan Knott
105Alan Melville106Alan Moss
107Alan Mullally108Alan Oakman
109Alan Smith110Alan Thomson
111Alan Turner112Alan Ward
113Alan Wells114Alan Wharton
115Alasdair Evans116Alastair Cook
117Alawi Shukri118Albert Hartkopf
119Albert Hornby120Albert Knight
121Albert Padmore122Albert Powell
123Albert Relf124Albert Rose-Innes
125Albert Trott126Albert van der Merwe
127Albert Ward128Albie Morkel
129Alby Roberts130Alec Bannerman
131Alec Bedser132Alec Coxon
133Alec Davies134Alec Hearne
135Alec Hurwood136Alec Stewart
137Alester Maregwede138Alex Cusack
139Alex Doolan140Alex French
141Alex Hales142Alex Kennedy
143Alex Loudon144Alex Moir
145Alex Obanda146Alex Tait
147Alex Tudor148Alex Wharf
149Alexander Webbe150Alexei Kervezee
151Alf Gover152Alf Hall
153Alfonso Thomas154Alfred Archer
155Alfred Binns156Alfred Cooper
157Alfred Dipper158Alfred Luseno
159Alfred Lyttelton160Alfred Richards
161Alfred Scott162Alfred Shaw
163Alfred Valentine164Algy Gehrs
165Ali Asad166Ali Bacher
167Ali Naqvi168Ali Rizvi
169Ali Shah170Alimuddin
171Alistair Brown172Alistair Campbell
173Allan Border174Allan Donald
175Allan Lamb176Allan Rae
177Allan Steel178Allan Watkins
179Allen Hill180Allen Lissette
181Alok Kapali182Alpesh Vadher
183Alphonso Roberts184Alvin Greenidge
185Alvin Kallicharran186Alviro Petersen
187Amal Silva188Aman Ali
189Amar Singh190Amay Khurasiya
191Ambar Roy192Ambati Rayudu
193Aminul Islam194Amir Elahi
195Amit Bhandari196Amit Jaggernauth
197Amit Mishra198Amjad Ali
199Amjad Javed200Amjad Khan
201Anamul Haque202Anaru Kitchen
203Andre Adams204Andre Botha
205Andre Fletcher206Andre Nel
207Andre Russell208Andrew Balbirnie
209Andrew Britton210Andrew Ellis
211Andrew Flintoff212Andrew Gale
213Andrew Greenwood214Andrew Hall
215Andrew Hilditch216Andrew Hodd
217Andrew Hudson218Andrew Jones
219Andrew McDonald220Andrew Penn
221Andrew Poynter222Andrew Puttick
223Andrew Stoddart224Andrew Strauss
225Andrew Symonds226Andrew White
227Andrew Whittall228Andrew Zesers
229Andy Bichel230Andy Blignaut
231Andy Caddick232Andy Cummins
233Andy DG Roberts234Andy Ducat
235Andy Flower236Andy Ganteaume
237Andy Lloyd238Andy McBrine
239Andy McKay240Andy Pycroft
241Andy Roberts242Andy Sandham
243Andy Waller244Angelo Mathews
245Angelo Perera246Angus Fraser
247Angus Mackay248Aniket Choudhary
249Anil Dalpat250Anil Kumble
251Anisur Rahman252Ankur Sharma
253Anshuman Gaekwad254Antao D'Souza
255Anthony Ireland256Anthony Martin
257Anthony McGrath258Anthony Stuart
259Anton Devcich260Anton Murray
261Anura Ranasinghe262Anura Tennekoon
263Anwar Ali264Anwar Hossain
265Anwar Hussain266Anwar Khan
267Arafat Sunny268Aravinda de Silva
269Archibald Palm270Archie Jackson
271Archie MacLaren272Archie Wiles
273Arif Butt274Arjuna Ranatunga
275Arnie Sidebottom276Arnold Fothergill
277Arnold Warren278Arsalan Qadir
279Arshad Ali280Arshad Ayub
281Arshad Khan282Arshad Laeeq
283Arshad Pervez284Arthur Barrett
285Arthur Carr286Arthur Chipperfield
287Arthur Coningham288Arthur Dolphin
289Arthur Fagg290Arthur Fielder
291Arthur Gilligan292Arthur Jones
293Arthur Langton294Arthur Mailey
295Arthur McIntyre296Arthur Milton
297Arthur Mitchell298Arthur Mold
299Arthur Morris300Arthur Ochse
301Arthur Pitcher302Arthur Richardson
303Arthur Seccull304Arthur Shrewsbury
305Arthur Wellard306Arthur Wood
307Artie Dick308Arul Suppiah
309Arun Lal310Aruna Gunawardene
311Arvind Apte312Arvind Kandappah
313Asad Ali314Asad Shafiq
315Asanka Gurusinha316Asghar Ali
317Asghar Stanikzai318Ashan Priyanjan
319Ashantha de Mel320Ashfaq Ahmed
321Ashish Bagai322Ashish Nehra
323Ashish Patel324Ashley de Silva
325Ashley Giles326Ashley Mallett
327Ashley Noffke328Ashley Nurse
329Ashley Woodcock330Ashok Dinda
331Ashok Gandotra332Ashok Malhotra
333Ashok Mankad334Ashok Patel
335Ashraf Ali336Ashton Agar
337Ashwell Prince338Asif Iqbal
339Asif Mahmood340Asif Masood
341Asif Mujtaba342Asif Mulla
343Asim Butt344Asim Kamal
345Asim Saeed346Aslam Khokhar
347Asoka de Silva348Assad Fudadin
349Ata-ur-Rehman350Athar Ali Khan
351Athol Rowan352Atholl McKinnon
353Athula Samarasekera354Atif Rauf
355Atiq-uz-Zaman356Atse Buurman
357Atul Bedade358Atul Wassan
359Aubrey Faulkner360Aubrey Smith
361Audley Miller362Austin Codrington
363Austin Matthews364Austin Richards
365Avishka Gunawardene366Awais Zia
367Azam Khan368Azeem Hafeez
369Azeem Pitcher370Azeem Rafiq
371Azhar Ali372Azhar Hossain
373Azhar Khan374Azhar Mahmood
375Azhar Saeed376Azmat Rana

List of Cricket players with name starting from alphabet B.

1Baba Aparajith2Babar Hayat
3Babu Meman4Bal Dani
5Balaji Rao6Baloo Gupte
7Balwinder Sandhu8Bandula Warnapura
9Bapu Nadkarni10Baqa Jilani
11Barlow Carkeek12Barney Rogers
13Barrington Browne14Barry Hadlee
15Barry Jarman16Barry Knight
17Barry Milburn18Barry Richards
19Barry Seebaran20Barry Shepherd
21Barry Sinclair22Barry Wood
23Barto Bartlett24Bas Zuiderent
25Basanta Regmi26Basil Butcher
27Basil D'Oliveira28Basil Grieve
29Basil Williams30Basit Ali
31Bazid Khan32Beau Casson
33Ben Barnett34Ben Cooper
35Ben Cutting36Ben Hilfenhaus
37Ben Hollioake38Ben Laughlin
39Ben Phillips40Ben Rohrer
41Ben Sealey42Ben Stokes
43Berend Westdijk44Berkeley Gaskin
45Bernard Bosanquet46Bernard Julien
47Bernard Loots48Bernard Tancred
49Bert Hopkins50Bert Ironmonger
51Bert Oldfield52Bert Strudwick
53Bert Sutcliffe54Bertie Clarke
55Beuran Hendricks56Bevan Congdon
57Bevan Griggs58Bhagwat Chandrasekhar
59Bharat Arun60Bharath Reddy
61Bhupinder Singh62Bhuvneshwar Kumar
63Biddy Anderson64Bilawal Bhatti
65Bill Athey66Bill Bell
67Bill Bowes68Bill Bradley
69Bill Brockwell70Bill Brown
71Bill Copson72Bill Edrich
73Bill Farrimond74Bill Hitch
75Bill Howell76Bill Hunt
77Bill Johnston78Bill Lawry
79Bill Lockwood80Bill Lundie
81Bill Merritt82Bill O'Reilly
83Bill Playle84Bill Ponsford
85Bill Storer86Bill Voce
87Bill Watson88Bill Whitty
89Bill Woodfull90Billy Barnes
91Billy Bates92Billy Frank
93Billy Griffith94Billy Gunn
95Billy Ibadulla96Billy Midwinter
97Billy Murdoch98Billy Newham
99Billy Stelling100Billy Wade
101Billy Zulch102Binod Bhandari
103Bishan Singh Bedi104BJ Watling
105Bjorn Kotze106Blair Hartland
107Blair Pocock108Blessing Mahwire
109Bob Appleyard110Bob Barber
111Bob Berry112Bob Blair
113Bob Catterall114Bob Cottam
115Bob Cowper116Bob Crisp
117Bob Cunis118Bob Holland
119Bob Massie120Bob McLeod
121Bob Newson122Bob Simpson
123Bob Taylor124Bob Willis
125Bob Woolmer126Bob Wyatt
127Bobby Abel128Bobby Peel
129Bobby Rao130Boeta Dippenaar
131Bonnor Middleton132Boyd Rankin
133Brad Haddin134Brad Hodge
135Brad Hogg136Brad Kruger
137Brad Patton138Brad Williams
139Brad Young140Brandon Bess
141Bransby Cooper142Brendan Nash
143Brendan Taylor144Brendon Bracewell
145Brendon Diamanti146Brendon Julian
147Brendon Kuruppu148Brendon McCullum
149Brent Arnel150Brenton Parchment
151Brett Dorey152Brett Geeves
153Brett Lee154Brett Schultz
155Brian Bolus156Brian Booth
157Brian Close158Brian Hastings
159Brian Lara160Brian Luckhurst
161Brian McKechnie162Brian McMillan
163Brian Murphy164Brian Rose
165Brian Statham166Brian Taber
167Brian Vitori168Brighton Watambwa
169Brijal Patel170Brijesh Patel
171Brooke Walker172Bruce Blair
173Bruce Bolton174Bruce Dooland
175Bruce Edgar176Bruce Francis
177Bruce French178Bruce Laird
179Bruce Martin180Bruce Mitchell
181Bruce Morrison182Bruce Murray
183Bruce Pairaudeau184Bruce Patterson
185Bruce Reid186Bruce Taylor
187Bruce Yardley188Brun Smith
189Bryan Andrews190Bryan Davis
191Bryan Mauricette192Bryan Strang
193Bryan Valentine194Bryan Young
195Bryan Yuile196Bryce McGain
197Buddy Oldfield198Budhi Kunderan
199Bunny Butler200Bunny Lucas
201Burton van Rooi202Buster Farrer
203Buster Nupen204Butch White

List of Cricket players with name starting from alphabet C.

1Callum Ferguson2Calum MacLeod
3Calvert Hooper4Calvin Burnett
5Cameron Borgas6Cameron Cuffy
7Cameron White8Cammie Smith
9Carl Bulfin10Carl Hooper
11Carl Rackemann12Carl Tuckett
13Carlisle Best14Carlos Brathwaite
15Carlton Baugh16CB Fry
17CD Gopinath18Cec Dixon
19Cecil Marshall20Cecil Parkin
21Cephas Zhuwao22Ces Burke
23Chad Keegan24Chadwick Walton
25Chamara Dunusinghe26Chamara Kapugedera
27Chamara Silva28Chamila Gamage
29Chaminda Mendis30Chaminda Vaas
31Champaka Ramanayake32Chamu Chibhabha
33Chanaka Welagedara34Chandika Hathurusingha
35Chandra Sarwate36Chandrakant Pandit
37Chandrakant Patankar38Chandrasekhar Gadkari
39Chandu Borde40Charith Senanayake
41Charitha Buddhika42Charl Langeveldt
43Charl Willoughby44Charles Bannerman
45Charles Coventry46Charles Fichardt
47Charles Hime48Charles Jones
49Charles Kelleway50Charles Leslie
51Charles Macartney52Charles Mills
53Charles Palmer54Charles Prince
55Charles Studd56Charles Vintcent
57Charles Wright58Charlie Absolom
59Charlie Baksh60Charlie Barnett
61Charlie Davis62Charlie Eady
63Charlie Finlason64Charlie Frank
65Charlie Griffith66Charlie Hallows
67Charlie Llewellyn68Charlie Lock
69Charlie McGahey70Charlie McLeod
71Charlie Parker72Charlie Smith
73Charlie Stayers74Charlie Townsend
75Charlie Turner76Charran Singh
77Chaturanga de Silva78Chester Watson
79Chetan Chauhan80Chetan Sharma
81Cheteshwar Pujara82Chinthaka Jayasinghe
83Chris Adams84Chris Balderstone
85Chris Broad86Chris Burger
87Chris Cairns88Chris Cowdrey
89Chris Douglas90Chris Drum
91Chris Duckworth92Chris Foggo
93Chris Gayle94Chris Harris
95Chris Jones96Chris Jordan
97Chris Kuggeleijn98Chris Lewis
99Chris Lonsdale100Chris Lynn
101Chris Martin102Chris Matthews
103Chris Morris104Chris Nevin
105Chris Old106Chris Pringle
107Chris Read108Chris Rogers
109Chris Schofield110Chris Silverwood
111Chris Smith112Chris Tavare
113Chris Tremlett114Chris Woakes
115Chris Wood116Christopher Barnwell
117Christopher Chappell118Christopher Heseltine
119Christopher Mpofu120Christopher Nash
121Chuck Fleetwood-Smith122CK Nayudu
123Clairmonte Depeiaza124Clarence Passailaigue
125Clarence Wimble126Clarrie Grimmett
127Claude Buckenham128Claude Carter
129Claude Floquet130Claude Henderson
131Claude Jennings132Claude Newberry
133Clay Smith134Clayton Lambert
135Clem Hill136Clem Wilson
137Clement Johnson138Cliff Gladwin
139Cliff McWatt140Clifford Roach
141Clinton McKay142Clive Eksteen
143Clive Halse144Clive Lloyd
145Clive Radley146Clive Rice
147Clive van Ryneveld148Clyde Butts
149Clyde Walcott150Colin Bland
151Colin Blythe152Colin Cowdrey
153Colin Croft154Colin de Grandhomme
155Colin Guest156Colin Ingram
157Colin McCool158Colin McDonald
159Colin Milburn160Colin Miller
161Colin Munro162Colin Smith
163Colin Snedden164Colin Stuart
165Colin Wells166Colin Wesley
167Collie Smith168Collins Obuya
169Collis King170Commandur Rangachari
171Conrad Hunte172Corey Anderson
173Corey Collymore174Cornelius Henry
175Corrie van Zyl176Cotar Ramaswami
177Courtney Browne178Courtney Kruger
179Courtney Walsh180Craig Cumming
181Craig Ervine182Craig Evans
183Craig Kieswetter184Craig Matthews
185Craig McDermott186Craig McMillan
187Craig Serjeant188Craig Spearman
189Craig Wallace190Craig White
191Craig Wishart192Craig Wright
193CS Nayudu194Cuan McCarthy
195Cullen Bailey196Curly Page
197Curtly Ambrose198Cyril Allcott
199Cyril Christiani200Cyril Francois
201Cyril Merry202Cyril Poole
203Cyril Vincent204Cyril Walters
205Cyril Washbrook

List of Cricket players with name starting from alphabet D.

1Daan van Bunge2Dale Benkenstein
3Dale Richards4Dale Steyn
5Dalton Conyngham6Damien Fleming
7Damien Martyn8Dammika Ranatunga
9Damodar Daesrath10Dan Hodgson
11Dan Taylor12Dane Vilas
13Daniel Christian14Daniel Cullen
15Daniel Flynn16Daniel Harris
17Daniel Keulder18Daniel Morgan
19Daniel Smith20Daniel Vettori
21Danish Kaneria22Danny Briggs
23Danny Morrison24Dante Parkin
25Danushka Gunathilaka26Danza Hyatt
27Daren Ganga28Daren Powell
29Darren Bravo30Darren Gough
31Darren Lehmann32Darren Maddy
33Darren Pattinson34Darren Ramsammy
35Darren Sammy36Darrin Murray
37Darron Reekers38Darryl Brown
39Daryl Tuffey40Daryll Cullinan
41Datta Gaekwad42Dattaram Hindlekar
43Dattu Phadkar44Dav Whatmore
45Dave Callaghan46Dave Gilbert
47Dave Gregory48Dave Mohammed
49Dave Nourse50Dave Richardson
51Dave Rundle52Dave Smith
53David Allan54David Allen
55David Bairstow56David Balcombe
57David Bernard58David Boon
59David Brain60David Brown
61David Capel62David Colley
63David Denton64David Gower
65David Griffiths66David Hemp
67David Heyn68David Holford
69David Hookes70David Houghton
71David Hussey72David Ironside
73David Johnson74David Joseph
75David Langford-Smith76David Larter
77David Lawrence78David Lloyd
79David Miller80David Murphy
81David Murray82David Mutendera
83David O'Sullivan84David Obuya
85David Ogilvie86David Pithey
87David Renneberg88David Sewell
89David Sheppard90David Sincock
91David Smith92David Steele
93David Terbrugge94David Tikolo
95David Townsend96David Warner
97David White98David Wiese
99David Williams100Davis Joseph
101Dawid Malan102Dawlat Ahmadzai
103Dawlat Zadran104Dayle Hadlee
105Dean Brownlie106Dean Elgar
107Dean Headley108Dean Jones
109Dean Minors110Debasis Mohanty
111Deep Dasgupta112Deepak Chahar
113Deepak Shodhan114Deighton Butler
115Delyone Borden116Denesh Ramdin
117Denijs Morkel118Denis Atkinson
119Denis Begbie120Denis Compton
121Denis Lindsay122Denis Smith
123Denis Tomlinson124Dennico Hollis
125Dennis Amiss126Dennis Brookes
127Dennis Dyer128Dennis Gamsy
129Dennis Lillee130Dennis Smith
131Deon Kotze132Derek Crookes
133Derek de Boorder134Derek Pringle
135Derek Randall136Derek Sealy
137Derek Shackleton138Derek Stirling
139Derek Underwood140Derek Varnals
141Derick Parry142Dermot Reeve
143Derwin Christian144Deryck Murray
145Des Hoare146Desmond Chumney
147Desmond Haynes148Desmond Lewis
149Devang Gandhi150Devendra Bishoo
151Devon Malcolm152Devon Smith
153Devon Thomas154Dewald Nel
155Dewald Pretorius156Dhammika Prasad
157Dharshana Gamage158Dhawal Kulkarni
159Dhiman Ghosh160Dhiraj Parsana
161Dhiren Gondaria162Dick Barlow
163Dick Howorth164Dick Lilley
165Dick Motz166Dick Pilling
167Dick Pollard168Dick Pougher
169Dick Richardson170Dick Spooner
171Dick Tyldesley172Dick Westcott
173Dick Young174Dickie Fuller
175Dicky Richards176Dilawar Hussain
177Dilhara Fernando178Dilhara Lokuhettige
179Dilip Doshi180Dilip Sardesai
181Dilip Vengsarkar182Dilruwan Perera
183Dilshan Munaweera184Dimitri Mascarenhas
185Dimuth Karunaratne186Dinanath Ramnarine
187Dinesh Chandimal188Dinesh Karthik
189Dinesh Mongia190Dinuka Hettiarachchi
191Dinusha Fernando192Dion Ebrahim
193Dion Nash194Dipak Chudasama
195Dipak Patel196Dirk Nannes
197Dirk Viljoen198Dirk Wellham
199Dodda Ganesh200Dodger Whysall
201Dolar Mahmud202Dom Joyce
203Dominic Cork204Dominic Wesonga
205Don Anurasiri206Don Beard
207Don Blackie208Don Bradman
209Don Brennan210Don Cleverley
211Don Kenyon212Don Maxwell
213Don McRae214Don Pringle
215Don Tallon216Don Taylor
217Don Wilson218Donald Carr
219Donald Knight220Donald Smith
221Donald Tiripano222Donovan Blake
223Donovan Pagon224Dooley Briscoe
225Doug Bollinger226Doug Bracewell
227Doug Freeman228Doug Insole
229Doug Marillier230Doug Meintjes
231Doug Padgett232Doug Ring
233Doug Walters234Doug Wright
235Dougie Brown236Dougie Lockhart
237Douglas Carr238Douglas Hondo
239Douglas Jardine240Dudley Nourse
241Duleep Mendis242Dulip Liyanage
243Dulip Samaraweera244Duncan Allan
245Duncan Fletcher246Duncan Sharpe
247Durand Soraine248Dwayne Bravo
249Dwayne Leverock250Dwayne Smith
251Dwight Basden252Dwight Washington

List of Cricket players with name starting from alphabet E.

1EAS Prasanna2Easton McMorris
3Eboo Essop-Adam4Ebrahim Ghazali
5Ebrahim Maka6Ed Cowan
7Ed Giddins8Ed Joyce
9Ed Smith10Eddie Barlow
11Eddie Dawson12Eddie Fuller
13Eddie Hemmings14Eddie Leadbeater
15Eddie McLeod16Eddie Paynter
17Eddie Richardson18Eddo Brandes
19Edgar Mayne20Edgar Schiferli
21Edmund Peate22Edward Rainsford
23Edward Tylecote24Edward van der Merwe
25Edwin Evans26Edwin St Hill
27Ehsan Adil28Ehsan Nawaz
29Ehsanul Haque30Ehteshamuddin
31Eion Katchay32Eknath Solkar
33Eldine Baptiste34Elias Sunny
35Elijah Otieno36Elquemedo Willett
37Elton Chigumbura38EM Grace
39Emile McMaster40Emmanuel Bundi
41Enamul Haque42Eoin Morgan
43Eric Atkinson44Eric Dalton
45Eric Davies46Eric Dempster
47Eric Fisher48Eric Freeman
49Eric Gouka50Eric Hollies
51Eric Marx52Eric Petrie
53Eric Rowan54Eric Russell
55Eric Simons56Eric Szwarczynski
57Eric Tindill58Eric Upashantha
59Ernest Bock60Ernest Bromley
61Ernest Halliwell62Ernest Tyldesley
63Ernie Hayes64Ernie Jones
65Ernie McCormick66Ernie Toshack
67Ernie Vogler68Errol Holmes
69Errol Hunte70Errol Stewart
71Erv McSweeney72Esmond Kentish
73Esuan Crandon74Eugene Palmer
75Evan Gray76Everton Matambanadzo
77Everton Mattis78Everton Weekes
79Evin Lewis80Ewart Astill
81Ewen Chatfield82Ewen Thompson
83Ezra Moseley

List of Cricket players with name starting from alphabet F.

1Faf du Plessis2Fahad Alhashmi
3Fahad Usman4Fahim Muntasir
5Faisal Athar6Faisal Hossain
7Faisal Iqbal8Faizan Asif
9Fanie de Villiers10Faoud Bacchus
11Farhaan Behardien12Farhad Reza
13Farhan Adil14Farokh Engineer
15Farooq Hameed16Farrukh Zaman
17Faruk Ahmed18Farveez Maharoof
19Father Marriott20Fawad Ahmed
21Fawad Alam22Fayyaz Ahmed
23Fazal Mahmood24Fazal-ur-Rehman
25Fazil Sattaur26Fazl-e-Akbar
27Feiko Kloppenburg28Fen Cresswell
29Fidel Edwards30Fiqre Crockwell
31Fish Markham32Flavian Aponso
33Flooi du Toit34Floris Jansen
35Floyd Reifer36Foffie Williams
37Forster Mutizwa38Francis Ford
39Francis MacKinnon40Francis Otieno
41Frank Allan42Frank Cameron
43Frank de Caires44Frank Druce
45Frank Foster46Frank Hayes
47Frank Hearne48Frank Iredale
49Frank King50Frank Laver
51Frank Lowson52Frank Mann
53Frank Martin54Frank Milligan
55Frank Misson56Frank Mitchell
57Frank Mooney58Frank Nicholson
59Frank Penn60Frank Smailes
61Frank Sugg62Frank Tyson
63Frank Walters64Frank Ward
65Frank Woolley66Frank Worrell
67Franklyn Dennis68Franklyn Rose
69Frasat Ali70Fraser Watts
71Fred Bakewell72Fred Barratt
73Fred Freer74Fred Grace
75Fred le Roux76Fred Morley
77Fred Price78Fred Ridgway
79Fred Root80Fred Rumsey
81Fred Smith82Fred Spofforth
83Fred Susskind84Fred Tate
85Fred Titmus86Fred Trueman
87Freddie Brown88Freddie Calthorpe
89Freddie Coleman90Frederick Burton
91Frederick Cook92Frederick Fane
93Frederick Kuys94Frederick Martin
95Friday Kasteni96Friedel de Wet

List of Cricket players with name starting from alphabet T.

1T Kumaran2TA Sekhar
3Tabarak Dar4Tafadzwa Kamungozi
5Tafadzwa Mufambisi6Tahir Naqqash
7Talat Ali8Talha Jubair
9Tama Canning10Tamauri Tucker
11Tamim Iqbal12Tanmay Mishra
13Tanvir Afzal14Tanvir Ahmed
15Tanvir Mehdi16Tapash Baisya
17Tareq Aziz18Tariq Iqbal
19Tariq Javed20Tarun Nethula
21Taskin Ahmed22Taslim Arif
23Tatenda Taibu24Taufeeq Umar
25Tauseef Ahmed26Tawanda Mupariwa
27Ted a'Beckett28Ted Arnold
29Ted Badcock30Ted Bowley
31Ted Dexter32Ted McDonald
33Ted Meuli34Ted Tyler
35Ted Wainwright36Teddy Hoad
37Teddy Wynyard38Temba Bavuma
39Tendai Chatara40Terry Alderman
41Terry Duffin42Terry Jarvis
43Terry Jenner44Tertius Bosch
45Thami Tsolekile46Thandi Tshabalala
47Tharanga Paranavitana48Tharindu Kaushal
49Thelston Payne50Thilan Samaraweera
51Thilan Thushara52Thilina Kandamby
53Thinus Fourie54Thirumalai Srinivasan
55Thisara Perera56Thomas Kelly
57Thomas Odoyo58Thomas Routledge
59Tibby Cotter60Tich Cornford
61Tich Freeman62Tiger Lance
63Tiger Smith64Tillakaratne Dilshan
65Tim Ambrose66Tim Bresnan
67Tim Curtis68Tim de Leede
69Tim Gruijters70Tim Ludeman
71Tim May72Tim McIntosh
73Tim Munton74Tim Murtagh
75Tim O'Brien76Tim Paine
77Tim Robinson78Tim Shaw
79Tim Smart80Tim Southee
81Tim Wall82Tim Weston
83Tim Zoehrer84Timm van der Gugten
85Timycen Maruma86Tinashe Panyangara
87Tino Best88Tino Mawoyo
89Tino Mutombodzi90Tinu Yohannan
91Tip Snooke92Tito Odumbe
93Toby Roland-Jones94Todd Astle
95Tom Armitage96Tom Burtt
97Tom Campbell98Tom Cartwright
99Tom Cooper100Tom de Grooth
101Tom Dewdney102Tom Dollery
103Tom Emmett104Tom Garrett
105Tom Goddard106Tom Graveney
107Tom Groube108Tom Hayward
109Tom Heggelman110Tom Hogan
111Tom Horan112Tom Kendall
113Tom Killick114Tom Latham
115Tom Lowry116Tom McKibbin
117Tom Moody118Tom Puna
119Tom Richardson120Tom Veivers
121Tommy Andrews122Tommy Greenhough
123Tommy Mitchell124Tommy Scott
125Tommy Ward126Tony Blain
127Tony Dell128Tony Dodemaide
129Tony Gray130Tony Greig
131Tony Harris132Tony Howard
133Tony Lewis134Tony Lock
135Tony MacGibbon136Tony Mann
137Tony Opatha138Tony Pigott
139Tony Pithey140Tony Reid
141Tony Suji142Tony White
143Travis Birt144Travis Dowlin
145Travis Friend146Treadwell Gibbons
147Trent Boult148Trent Copeland
149Trent Johnston150Trevin Bastiampillai
151Trevor Bailey152Trevor Barber
153Trevor Chappell154Trevor Franklin
155Trevor Garwe156Trevor Goddard
157Trevor Gripper158Trevor Hohns
159Trevor Jesty160Trevor Laughlin
161Trevor Madondo162Trevor McMahon
163Trevor Meale164Tufty Mann
165Tuppy Owen-Smith166Tushar Imran
167Tyrell Johnson168Tyron Henderson
169Tyson Gordon

List of Cricket players with name starting from alphabet U.

1Ujesh Ranchod2Umar Akmal
3Umar Amin4Umar Bhatti
5Umar Gul6Umesh Kulkarni
7Umesh Yadav8Unmukt Chand
9Upul Chandana10Upul Tharanga
11Usman Afzaal12Usman Ghani
13Usman Khan14Usman Khawaja
15Usman Limbada16Usman Salahuddin
17Uton Dowe18Utpal Chatterjee

List of Cricket players with name starting from alphabet V.

1Vakkadai Chandrasekhar2Vallance Jupp
3Vaman Kumar4Vanburn Holder
5Varun Aaron6Vasant Ranjane
7Vasbert Drakes8Vaughan Brown
9Vaughn van Jaarsveld10Veerasammy Permaul
11Venatappa Muddiah12Venkatapathy Raju
13Venkataraman Subramanya14Venkatesh Prasad
15Verdun Scott16Vernon Philander
17Vernon Ransford18Vernon Royle
19Vibart Wight20Vic Barton
21Vic Marks22Vic Pollard
23Vic Richardson24Vic Stollmeyer
25Victor Grandia26Victor Mpitsang
27Victor Trumper28Vijay Bharadwaj
29Vijay Dahiya30Vijay Hazare
31Vijay Manjrekar32Vijay Mehra
33Vijay Merchant34Vijay Rajindernath
35Vijay Yadav36Vijay Zol
37Vikram Rathour38Vikram Solanki
39Vikrant Shetty40Vinay Kumar
41Vince Hogg42Vince Wells
43Vincent Tancred44Vincent Valentine
45Vinod Kambli46Vinoo Mankad
47Vinoo Tewarie48Vinothen John
49Virat Kohli50Virender Sehwag
51Viv Richards52Vivek Razdan
53Vivian Ian Smith54Vivian Kingma
55Vizzy56Vusimuzi Sibanda
57VVS Laxman

List of Cricket players with name starting from alphabet W.

1Waddington Mwayenga2Wahab Riaz
3Wahidul Gani4Wajahatullah Wasti
5Wallis Mathias6Wally Edwards
7Wally Grout8Wally Hammond
9Wally Hardinge10Walter Brearley
11Walter Giffen12Walter Hadlee
13Walter Keeton14Walter Lees
15Walter Mead16Walter Read
17Walter Robins18Waqar Hasan
19Waqar Younis20Waqas Barkat
21Warren Bardsley22Warren Hegg
23Warren Lees24Warren McSkimming
25Warren Stott26Warren Wisneski
27Warwick Armstrong28Washington Sundar
29Wasim Akram30Wasim Bari
31Wasim Haider32Wasim Jaffer
33Wasim Raja34Wavell Hinds
35Wayne Clar36kWayne Daniel
37Wayne James38Wayne Larkins
39Wayne Parnell40Wayne Phillips
41Wayne White42Wazir Mohammad
43Wes Durston44Wes Hall
45Wesley Barresi46WG Grace
47Wilf Barber48Wilf Ferguson
49Wilf Slack50Wilfred Diepeveen
51Wilfred Flowers52Wilfred Rhodes
53Will Jefferson54William Attewell
55William Brann56William Bruce
57William Chatterton58William Cooper
59William Ling60William Milton
61William Moule62William Perkins
63William Porterfield64William Robertson
65William Scotton66William Shalders
67William Solomon68Willie Quaife
69Willie Rodriguez70Willie Watson
71Willis Cuttell72Wilton St Hill
73Winston Benjamin74Winston Davis
75Winston Place76Woorkeri Raman
77Wriddhiman Saha78Wynne Bradburn

List of Cricket players with name starting from alphabet X.

1Xavier Doherty2Xavier Marshall
3Xen Balaskas

List of Cricket players with name starting from alphabet Y.

1Yajurvindra Singh2Yalaka Venugopal Rao
3Yannick Ottley4Yashpal Sharma
5Yasir Ali6Yasir Arafat
7Yasir Hameed8Yasir Shah
9Yograj Singh10Yohan Goonasekera
11Younis Ahmed12Younis Khan
13Yunus Badat14Yusuf Abdulla
15Yusuf Pathan16Yuvraj of Patiala
17Yuvraj Singh18Yuzvendra Chahal

List of Cricket players with name starting from alphabet Z.

1Zafar Iqbal2Zaheer Abbas
3Zaheer Khan4Zahid Ahmed
5Zahid Fazal6Zahid Hussain
7Zahid Razzak8Zahid Shah
9Zahoor Elahi10Zain Abbas
11Zakir Hasan12Zakir Khan
13Zakiullah14Zameer Zahir
15Zamir Khan16Zander de Bruyn
17Zeeshan Siddiqi18Ziaur Rahman
19Zin Harris20Zubin Surkari
21Zulfiqar Ali22Zulfiqar Babar
23Zulqarnain24Zulqarnain Haider
25Zulfiqar Ahmed

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Women’s Cricket World Cup Winners List

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HATHA YOGA ASANAS हठयोग आसन हठयोग आसन... हठयोग शब्द का यह अर्थ बीज वर्ण ह और ठ को मिलाकर बनाया हुआ शब्द के अर्थ में प्रयुक्त किया जाता है। जिसमें ह या हं तथा ठ या ठं (ज्ञ) का अर्थ हैं। उदाहारण ह से पिंगला नाड़ी दहिनी नासिका (सूर्य स्वर) तथा ठ से इड़ा नाडी बॉंयी नासिका (चन्द्रस्वर)। इड़ा ऋणात्मक (-) उर्जा शक्ति एवं पिगंला धनात्मक (+) उर्जा शक्ति का संतुलन एवं इत्यादि। इन दोनों नासिकाओं के योग या समानता से चलने वाले स्वर या मध्यस्वर या सुषुम्ना नाड़ी में चल रहे प्राण के अर्थ में लिया जाता है। इस प्रकार ह और ठ का योग प्राणों के आयाम से अर्थ रखता है। इस प्रकार की प्राणायाम प्रक्रिया ही ह और ठ का योग अर्थात हठयोग है, जो कि सम्पूर्ण शरीर की जड़ता को सप्रयास दूर करता है प्राण की अधिकता नाड़ी चक्रों को सबल एवं चैतन्य युक्त बनाती है ओर व्यक्ति विभिन्न शारीरिक, बौद्धिक एवं आत्मिक शक्तियों का विकास करता है। यह योग लम्बे समय तक गुरु शिष्य परम्परा के अनुसार उपदेश रूप में गुरु द्वारा शिष्य को दिया जाता रहा। जब धीरे धीरे मनुष्य की चेतना का स्तर गिरने लगा तो ऋषियों को इसलि...

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Balasana (Child’s Pose)-Shishuasana-बालासन

बालासन करने का सही तरीका, फायदे और सावधानियां बालासन करने का सही तरीका, फायदे और सावधानियां... बालासन संस्कृत का शब्द है बाल का अर्थ है- शिशु या बच्चा और आसन का अर्थ मुद्रा (pose) है। बालासन में हम एक शिशु की तरह वज्र आसन में बैठ कर हाथों और शरीर को आगे की ओर झुकाते है। यह आसन बेहद आसान है, और अनेक फायदे है, यह आसन कई विभिन्न आसनों से मिलता-जुलता रूप है। बालासन का अभ्यास शीर्षासन से पहले और बाद में किया जा सकता है। बालासन को करते समय जमीन पर लेटे बच्चे की तरह आकृति बनती है और कूल्हे जमीन से ऊपर उठे हुए एवं घुटने जमीन से चिपके होते हैं। इसलिए इस आसन को बालासन पोज कहा जाता है। इस आसन को गर्भाशन या शशांकासन (Shashankasana) भी कहा जाता है। बालासन का अभ्यास करने से शरीर के कई विकारों को दूर करने में मदद करता है। कमर की मांसपेशियों को आराम देता है और ये आसन कब्ज़ को भी दूर करता है। मन को शांत करने वाला ये आसन तंत्रिका तंत्र को शांत करता है। बालासन (शिशुआसन) करने की विधि : सर्वप्रथम वज्रासन मे जमीन पर या योगामेट लें कर बैठ जाये अपनी रीढ़ को सीधा रखे। फिर ...

ICC Women’s T20 WCW List - ICC Women's T20 World Cup

ICC Women’s T20 WCW List ICC Women's T20 World Cup Winners... T20 cricket has gained a lot of popularity. The 2007 T20 World Cup played a major role in pushing the development of the shortest format. In women's cricket too, the ICC introduced the T20 World Cup in 2009. The T20 World Cup is held roughly every two years, although the next one will be held in 2025. Eight tournaments have been played since 2009. Current title holders New Zealand and Australia have performed extremely well in this tournament, winning the title a total of six times. Check the list of ICC Women's T20 World Cup winners here below. Women’s T20 World Cup Winners List Year Host Winner Result Runner-up 2024 United Arab Emirates New Zealand Won by 32 runs South Africa 2023 South Africa Australia Won by 19 runs South Africa 2020 Australia Australia Won by 85 runs India 2018 West Indies Australia Won by 8 wickets England 201...