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Sports-Related Full Forms

Important Sports Related Terms Full Form

Sports Related Full Forms...

The variety of sports in this world that are commonly recognized as sports are activities that usually involve physical effort or skill. Reasons for engaging in sports include pleasure, competition and/or financial rewards.
There are different types of sports in the world but some popular sports are cricket, football, tennis, carrom, chess, table tennis, Bollywood, karate and sports related to Olympics. All use words related to important sports such as IPL, ICC, ODI, BCCI, etc. But some people do not know the full form of this word. So now today we are going to discuss the names of different types of sports, name of the sports federation and their full form.

Sports Full Forms List
Acronym Full Forms
AAAA Asian Amateur Athletics Association
AAI Archery Association of India
AAFI Amateur Athletics Federation of India
ABSC Army Boys Sports Companies Scheme
ACA Australian Cricketer’s Association
ACC Asian Cricket Council
AFC American Football Conference
AGF Asian Games Federation
AICE All India Chess Federation
AIBA All India Boxing Association
AICFB All India Chess Federation for the Blind
AICF All India Carrom Federation
AIFA All India Football Association
AIFF All India Football Federation
AITA All India Tennis Association
AKF Asian Kabaddi Federation
AKFI Amateur Kabaddi Federation of India
BCA Baroda Cricket Association
BCB Bangladesh Cricket Board
BCCI Board of control for Cricket in India
BFI Basketball Federation of India
BPL Bangladesh Premier League
BWF Badminton World Federation
CA Cricket Australia
CAS Court Of Arbitration for Sports
CCI Cricket Club of India
CFI Cycling Federation of India
CTL Champions Tennis League
CWC Cricket World Cup
CWF Commonwealth Games Federation
CWG Commonwealth Games
DSA District Sports Association
ECB England and Wales Cricket Board
ECC European Cricket Council
ESPN Entertainment and Sports Programming Network
FIBA Federation International Basketball Association
FICA Federation of International Cricketer's Association
FIDE Federation Internationale des Échecs
FIG International Gymnastics Federation
FIH Federation of International Hockey
FIFA Federation Internationale de Football Association
GCC Gulf Co-operation Council
HI Hockey India
HIL Hockey India League
IAAF International Association of Athletics Federations
IABF Indian Amateur Boxing Federation
IBA International Badminton Federation
IBF Indian Boxing Federation
IBSF International Billiards and Snooker Federation
ICC International Cricket Council
ICL Indian Cricket League
IFAF International Federation of American Football
IFSC International Federation of Sport Climbing
IGF International Golf Federation
IHAI Ice Hockey Association of India
IHF International Handball Federation
IHF Indian Hockey Federation
IIHF International Ice Hockey Federation
IJF International Judo Federation
IKF International Kabaddi Federation
INLF Indian National Lacrosse Federation
IOA Indian Olympic Association
IOC International Olympic Committee
IPL Indian Premier League
IPTL International Premier Tennis League
IRFU Indian Rugby Football Union
ISF International Snowboard Federation
ISSF International Shooting Sport Federation
ISL Indian Super League
ISU International Skating Union
ITF International Tennis Federation
ITHF International Table Hockey Federation
ITTF International Table Tennis Federation
IWF International Weightlifting Federation
KAI Karate Association of India
KKR Kolkata Knight Riders
MCC Melbourne Cricket Club
MYAS Ministry Of Youth Affairs and Sports
NASCAR National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing
NBA National Basketball Association
NCAA National Collegiate Athletic Association
NFI Netball Federation of India
NFL National Football League (U.S.A.)
NHL National Hockey League
NIS National Institute of Sports
NOCSAE National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment
NRAI National Rifle Association of India
NSO National Sports Organisation (India)
NSDC National Sports Development Code of India
NSDF National Sports Development Fund
NSF National Sports Federation
NSNIS Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports
NSTC National Sports Talents Contest Scheme
NZC New Zealand Cricket
OCA Olympic Council of Asia
ODI One Day International
OGQ Olympic Gold Quest
PBL Premier Badminton League
PCA Punjab Cricket Association
PCB Pakistan Cricket Board
PDC Professional Darts Corporation
PGA Professional Golfers’ Association
PKL Pro Kabaddi League
PWL Pro Wrestling League
PYKKA Panchayat Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan/Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan
RFI Rugby League International Federation
RLIF Rowing Federation of India
RSSC Rajasthan State Sports Council
SAG Special Area Games Scheme
SAI Sports Authority of India
SAFF South Asian Football Federation
SCA Saurashtra Cricket Association
SCAT Sport Concussion Assessment Tool
SGFI School Games Federation of India
SLAM Sports as a Laboratory Assessment Model
SLC Sri Lanka Cricket
SOA State Olympic Association
SRFI Squash Racquets Federation of India
TTFI Table Tennis Federation of India
UCBSA United Cricket Board of South Africa
UCI Union Cycliste Internationale
UDRS or simply DRS Umpire Decision Review System (Decision Review System)
UEFA Union of European Football Association
UWW United World Wrestling
VCA Veteran Cricketers Association
WBA World Boxing Association
WCA World Cube Association
WCBS World Confederation of Billiards Sports
WBSC World Baseball Softball Confederation
WCF World Curling Federation
WIRSO World Inter-School Rope Skipping Organization
WISPA Women’s International Squash Players Association
WKC Women's Kabaddi Challenge
WPA World Pool-Billiard Association
WSSA World Sport Stacking Association
WWE World Wrestling Entertainment
WWE World Wrestling Federation
Related Pages:
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  2. National Games of Major Countries
  3. Indian Medal Winners in Olympic Games
  4. Sports Cups and Trophies - Winners of various sports-quiz questions
  5. Sports Goods Manufacturing Clusters in India
  6. Complete Sports List -A to Z
  7. Sports Questions - on Sports General Knowledge
  8. Question Answer based on first Indian woman in cricket game
  9. Sports Current Affairs 2020-2021
  10. Which sports I will start in 18 years old?
  11. Major International Sports Events Held in India

Sport| Football |Tennis | Cricket | Yoga | GYM | G K


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