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Improving fitness through competitive sports instead of gym

Try a competitive sport instead of the gym to improve your fitness

Try a competitive sport instead of the gym to improve your fitness!

If spending hours in the gym sometimes feels like giving real pain. If you prefer competitive or recreational sports over traditional cardio and resistance training workouts. But if you're trying to stay fit or maintain a certain level of health, committing to a consistent workout schedule is essential.
You don't need to go to the gym to improve your competitiveness or boost your overall fitness. In fact, you can get all of that by participating in your favorite sports several days a week. If you're ready to improve your fitness, but prefer competitive sports instead of the gym, try one of these competitive activities. Give it a try.

Road Cycling and Mountain Biking:

Road or trail, fast or slow, cycling is one of the best sports you can do for overall fitness. Not only does this give you a great aerobic workout, but your leg muscles, and especially the quads, glutes and hamstrings, will also feel the burn after a few miles of walking. There are bikes suitable for individuals and stages of all ages. Intermediate to advanced levels can participate in road cycling and mountain biking, while beginners can start with paved trails. If you want to satisfy the competitive side, be sure to consider entering a road or mountain bike race.
This can burn about 580 calories per hour of calories used for a 154-pound person, riding at a moderate pace of 10 mph or less. If pedal fast and you can burn up to 1200 calories in an hour.

Squash and Racquetball:

Squash and racquetball courts are a great way for people of all ages and fitness levels. Because a game of squash or racquetball can range from an entry-level sport to a highly competitive, intense workout. The key to making fast-paced activities accessible to beginners is to slow down the pace of the game. Squash and racquetball both target the muscles of your back, shoulders, arms, chest, quads, glutes and hamstrings, and work your core as well. Combine that with the endurance, speed, balance and agility needed to compete. You'll see how these two sports can give you a phenomenal workout while simultaneously burning calories.
For a 154-pound person per hour of calories used, expect to burn anywhere between 600 and 800 calories playing a game of squash or racquetball. The higher your intensity, the more calories you burn.

Water Sports- Rowing, Kayaking, Paddle Boarding, Canoeing:

This is a fun fitness solution for those who like to be outdoors. Rowing, Kayaking, Canoeing and Paddleboarding. All of these sports elevate your heart rate, increase your muscular stamina and strength, and turn the body into a calorie-burning machine. If you want to compete in a sport that requires rowing, consider joining an outrigger team.
Calories used per hour for a 154-pound person are about 372 calories from kayaking, rowing, or canoeing, and 408 to 450 calories.

Court Sports- Basketball, Volleyball, and Tennis:

Basketball, volleyball and tennis all provide you the physical benefits of a good workout while giving your competitive side a chance to shine. These sports require you to do sprints, pivots, jumps and slams, which tax the cardiovascular system and strengthen every muscle in your body. While all three of these sports are suitable for most levels, keep in mind that beginners start with a skill and practice class before moving on to games or matches.
Calories used per hour for a 154-pound person. Expect to burn about 600 calories playing a game of hoops up and down the court, 300 calories passing and spiking volleyball, and 600 calories.
Some of these activities require an organized team, specialized equipment, or a designated place to play, others just require time, energy, and your willingness to work hard and have fun. You don't need to spend a lot of money to get started in one of these games...
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